Plattdüscher Vereen of Cole Camp

Presents the
13th Annual Sängerfest


The 13th annual Sängerfest performance was held in Cole Camp on Saturday evening, the 19 of June, 2004. This is a program of German music performed by a variety of local and non-local singers. In addition, performers also presented accordian and individual vocal selections.

The German culture, perhaps better than most, has through song, expressed most beautifully the German's deep and fervent love of God and homeland. From plantive folk songs written by long-forgotten authors to acknowledged masterpieces by Beethoven, Mozart, and many others, German choral music unashamedly lays bare the German's soul, and in so doing touches our spirit and makes it soar. If you were at this performance, we truly welcome you who have come to listen and enjoy. You are the ones who give our singers the inspiration to offer their songs with heartfelt joy. If you were unable to attend, please mark your calendar for the next Sängerfest to be held during June of 2005. We hope to see you there.

Pictures taken during this performance can be found from the following links along with some minimal information on the singers that performed.

Copyright © 2004, Art Heimsoth - all rights reserved